So, I’ve spent the last three weeks writing a very tropey, self-indulgent fantasy romance novelette on my phone, purely to entertain myself and a few of my friends. It is 17,000 words, written in second person present tense, and objectively bad–and I don’t care! I haven’t had the energy to work on any of the …
Author: Jade Glen
Blog #20: New year, new draft
I’m gonna finish my first draft of MMPC tonight! I’m telling both my writing groups and I’m posting about it here. I have less than half a chapter left, and less than two hours left in 2021. I’ll update this post once both of those are finished. 12:05 AM Well, I’m not done yet–but house …
Blog #19: Return
Hello there, blog I have not touched for six weeks! It’s been, uh, an adventure in the intervening time. Tesla, my beloved cat, had a big expensive health scare despite being relatively young, and needed my full attention and a lot of vet visits for a week solid (which left me very wiped out). He’s …
Blog #18: NaNo ’21, Day 17/18/19
Stats Words written: a few just now, forgot to check the wordcount before starting oops Digital illustrations: 3 Madoka Magica episodes rewatched: all 12, in one sitting I’m remembering why I pivot projects so much. I was stuck on MMPC before, and I think I’ve broken the block now because I just went back and …
Blog #17: NaNo ’21, Day 15/16
Today’s stats ~ Nope! ~ Writer loading. Please stand by… For real though, I’m stopping for a few days to rest. I’ve been feeling the fatigue for a while now. The past month has been stressful on my family for reasons I won’t bother getting into here. People will tell you things like, “push past …
Blog #16: NaNo ’21, Day 14
Today’s stats Words written: 566 Times I’ve gotten distracted tonight: (insert infinity symbol here) How much I need to go to bed: very Apologies to my beta reader and her cake bet; I’m missing my deadline here :p Almost done! But not quite. The fatigue has smacked me down on this story, 1500 (?) words …
Blog #15: NaNo ’21, Day 13
Today’s stats Words written: 3585 (what?) Candle level: ~35% left Chapters until THE END: <1 Finally, I’m done with the fight scene! x.x At least until revisions roll around. Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to replace that chapter with one that’s half to two-thirds of its length, with a more coherent structure. Please. Ah, well. …
Blog #14: NaNo ’21, Day 12
Today’s stats Words written: 1863 Weirdest internet search today: “wild boar digging” How long I sat at the keyboard trying to write before my brain finally kicked on: two hours Yes, two hours. Yes, I stayed put. I can be stubborn like that. >:p The outline I wrote a few nights ago helped. I still …
Blog #13: NaNo ’21, Day 11
Today’s stats Words written: 2002 Weirdest phrase written today (no context): “Realizing that he was attempting to shake hands with a bird,” Weirdest name I considered giving a background character, using my naming conventions for this world: Embroidery Hunter (which, incidentally, would make a fantastic D&D character) I wrote a bunch! This version is much …
Blog #12: NaNo ’21, Day 10
Today’s stats Words written: 726 Song stuck in my head: the entire IDKHOW album RAZZMATAZZ, simultaneously Procrastination technique: a variety, but mostly cleaning. I was feeling hyper. I’m tired. I’m trying to write an ending and I feel like one of those videos where a kitten tries to jump on something, and first it has …